
This is my bachelor’s project about pathfinding and group movement. To sumerize it here are the mains goal of the project:

  • Movement of large group of agent while keeping a formation
  • Using the new DOTS system of Unity
  • Trying to keep it as close a possible from game and not just as a simulation
  • Working closly with mentor from the industry
  • The priority is the number, not the behavior
The paper is still beeing written, it will be available here once it’s finish


Ashes of the singularityFor this project I took inspiration from classic RTS like Age of Empire or Rise of Nation, but I wanted to bring it to modern technologies. One good example today is Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation which can handle thousands of agents using the new game engine: Nitrous Engine.

Supreme Commander 2I also wanted to have structured movement with formation like in Supreme Commanded 2. As this project is focused on having a large number, every formations will be kept simple with primary shapes: square, line, column and diamond.


The project is still in development, if you want to see the project I sugest you to go have a look at the repos


  • Solo Project
  • Time : 18 weeks for my bachelor project

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AI in an ECS environnement

2020-04-18 21:21:00 +0000

ai  c++ 

This project show how an AI decision-making system and the patfinding algorithms has been optimized to go from a non playable with hundreds of agents to as game which can support 10'000 agents making decisions and moving inside a city.